Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Time to Debunk!


But for real. Are you ok, Mr. Blaine? Lots of time spent conjuring up falsehoods and defaming regular people online. No one can be proud of that. 

(PSA for the folks in the dark corners: defamation AND slander are real things. And "anonymous" posting won't always save you. Remember that.)

Since there is no real place to debunk the falsehoods, this post will be used to play a game called: State a Lie and Clarify

What have you heard or read that has needs some setting straight? And, dissenters are welcome. We know it gets real exciting to be blinded by this Reality TV train wreck you're watching and sometimes we get caught up. (Bless your heart) 

But let's set the record straight...


  1. "Jim Hayes created this cute website..."

    Truth: Nope. LOL. We're not Hayes.

  2. Then who are you? Don’t talk shit about posting anonymously then hide behind this silly wanna be blog.

    1. ….said the anonymous commenter.

    2. I’m posting anonymously on purpose. And I don’t have an issue with people doing so. But the creator of this blog was bashing people who comment anonymously. It’s a bit hypocritical when they themselves are anonymous. Try and keep up.

    3. 10/10 creator would end up doxxed by the minions still trying to make fetch happen.

    4. LB said it herself. Totally your choice if you still want to come to work every day dressed like you’re going to the prom.

  3. This is most likely an employee. Mr Blaine’s vindictive reach amid this nastiness could put them at risk.

  4. For those of you that want to understand risk based lending and why it is used in today’s credit union world, here is an article from NCUA, a federal agency that monitors and examines most credit unions. https://ncua.gov/regulation-supervision/letters-credit-unions-other-guidance/risk-based-lending

  5. Y’all stop attacking this person saying why are you anonymous. Jim Blaine’s website is “anonymous” too lmao! 😂😂

  6. Lie: the call centers were in great shape pre-JH.

    Truth: for years we’ve been cleaning up the mess Convergence created (another disaster and poorly executed JB idea).

    1. Did someone on the other blog say the call centers were in great shape pre-JHayes???

    2. Call center and branch were in dyer shape after convergence. Literally the worst play ever. We had SVP’s sending emails saying no one would get merit raises if they didn’t answer 90% of call center calls presented while they were also trying to help in person members- work collections (sending personalized letters to hundreds of people basically) do taxes, loans, new accounts and the list goes on and on. Piling calls on top of that with unrealistic goals and then punishing us when we couldn’t manage it all. I remember taking calls working OT 3 years ago while people complained the waits were 30 minutes. The call centers haven’t been well in a long long time.

    3. So...no one ever said that. Got it.

    4. I’ve read lots of comments about how great Finesse was (despite absolutely zero call recording or ability to keep employees accountable, no callback feature, no way to assess member satisfaction, etc.) and acting like there was never a wait time issue prior to the implementation of NICE or arrival of the ”other” JB. Maybe we’re reading different blogs.

      OG JB’s “excellent” idea of Convergence threw the entire Contact Center into a multi-year spiral of wondering if their jobs were going to be eliminated and put members wanting to do business with us online at the absolute bottom rung of priority/timely service. JB himself wrote in a memo the priority in which members should be helped based off channel used—and the answer wasn’t to help them equally. Oh, not to mention it burdened many branch managers with the added responsibility of managing CC employees (who weren’t allowed to have consistent, centralized training) 24/7 on top of managing their branch—often getting late night calls and having to worry about managing staff in their branches overnight.

    5. Just hit me with one quote then about how great finesse was or how there were never wait times. I've read both. Didn't see any of that. Maybe I missed. Hook me up. Thought this blog was to "counter the lies" or whatever

  7. (PSA for the folks in the dark corners: defamation AND slander are real things. And "anonymous" posting won't always save you. Remember that.)

    Ooooooo this is so scary. What an asinine attempt to intimidate employees. This just lends credence to their complaints of bullying and intimidation by the new “leaders” brought in by Hayes. Whoever you are, you are clueless. SMH

    1. You do not represent the majority of employees here at SECU. I've been an employee for 15 years and the bullying and intimidation was with managers and Jim Blaine. People were scared all the time. Great people were broken down. When Jim Hayes came, we were excited for change. He was a real person and down to earth. The people who complain about his selfies are those very ones that were watching their control disappear. At least Jim Hayes cared about people. He came by our branches. He welcomed our emails. He wasn't going to stand for managers being bullies. That's why all the people posting on Blaine's page are so mad.

    2. That is your opinion and your opinion cannot be wrong. However, what I said was that the PSA comment in the anonymous blogger’s header was an attempt to intimidate and bully employees. How else could a ridiculous statement such as that be interpreted, and I can only presume that this person uses these same tactics in their everyday management technique.

    3. 5:44 comment. Completely agree. Creator of this blog is coward

  8. Second post with no actual rebuttal or content. What are the “lies” in Jim Blaine’s blog?

  9. Okay, lie #1 Jim Hayes cost SECU $120 million because of Wescorp. The CFO in the suit was a man named Todd Lane. He was the responsible CFO at the time. Every credit union headline supports that. google it for god's sake. The truth is easy to find.

    #2: risk based lending is "race based lending". get out of here with that. Every financial institution prices loans this way. if it was terrible or illegal, do you think the regulators (both for credit unions or banks) would allow it? My family won't get loans at SECU. Do you know why? the rates are too high. Talk about the everyday people who don't do business at SECU. Also, if Jim Blaine and cronies didn't believe in pricing for risk, tell me why his salary as CEO wasn't the same as a teller?

    #3 Not me seeing the local house of the "secu leader" that allegedly lives out of state.

    Stop the madness and let's get back to business. All 10 of you need to stop hahahaha. We are bigger than the naysayers!

  10. This blogs a joke. There are far more people that would follow Blaine than Hayes.

    1. This comment is a joke! You’re wrong 😂😂 Blaine is old news both literally and figuratively

    2. This blog is a poor attempt. Majority of employees don’t want this new rubbish. We aren’t opposed to change, just needs to be done in the right way. Don’t mind me over here laughing at the idiot who created this trying to form some stupid bond amongst overpaid non-legacy employees rejected by other FIs

    3. Blaine has more respect than Hazy who just drove the CU into the ground.

    4. I believe the people who were in support of Jim Hayes is grossly underestimated. I’ve spoken to multiple people- a lot who are “legacy” employees (I guess the term really makes people feel important?) and they were also in favor of the changes Hayes was making. These blogs do a poor job at representing what the majority feels. I live in a city very concentrated with branches and operations and the majority of upset employees were the ones who realized that they were probably not going to get 5% raises every year to do that same minimal job. A lot of legacy employees left by choice- I’ve not heard of many who were let go. In every aspect of life you have to adapt and pivot - getting offended and butt hurt because you feel like your way is right- is not being “pushed out”. You chose to leave.

    5. 7:15 comment. Doesn’t sound at all like you know what’s truly going on and aren’t very well connected to those that have been pushed out. but ok.

    6. Enlighten us then?

    7. Legacy employees that left “by choice” were forced out. Be reassigned, leave, or be fired. I can’t name names here but very very few if any of the (vp or higher) employees left truly by choice.

    8. That is unfortunate - I’ve had a new manager come in and find that a long time employee is not really performing any real job. They were labeled an Sr FSO/FSR but truly were only really doing one very minimal task each day. The manager tried to work with that employee for months to get her trained in a real Sr FSO position that contributed to the the branch but the employee was mad and felt targeted. Most other employees agreed that she wasn’t really performing the duties of any branch employee- but had been there for a long time. I assume her annual merits were lower after the new manager came in- and she was asked to try and work on the teller line since she wasn’t doing any FSO work. eventually she quit. (“Retired”) .. there are alot of situations like this at SECU. I feel for those who truly felt they had to leave or be unhappy- but alot of other folks needed to go. As far as being reassigned- I’ve always felt like you go where you’re needed or asked to go. If you’re unhappy about it and leave- that isn’t necessary being pushed out. People are asked to do favors and take positions all the time. Just some thoughts

    9. With change comes discomfort and not everyone will be happy. It doesn’t mean no change should happen.

    10. Being asked to take another position and being forced/told you are going there is very different. I wish I knew who you were. I could tell you so many stories.

    11. 5:36 comment: But yet here you are! Come find out the truth. Be open minded. The fact that no commentary is posted but that that suits Blaine’s agenda should give you reason to say hmmmmm. Everyone is welcome here. Claim what you want but support it with fact. #bettertogether

  11. Good job, good effort @ 5:17

  12. Blaine’s blog operating just like he did at the CU. Silence and threaten those that disagree! 🤣🤣. Sound familiar? People still dumb enough to follow blindly and not allow opposing views then come here and post whatever they want? Try posting an opposing view on your fearless leaders blog - lmk how tgst goes for ya.

    1. Silencing opposing views is more the new MO than the old

    2. Are you sure about that? JB was notorious for dressing down someone publicly (mgr’s meeting) in front of hundred of colleagues when they had dissenting opinion. I saw it MULTIPLE times and it was awkward and embarrassing. Lot of revisionist history going on these days in regards to Blaine and his tyrant leadership style….

    3. Didn’t Blaine fire someone on the spot in front of a large meeting (SVPs or something like that) because the man disagreed with him? I think he was forced to rehire him. Anyone got details on that situation?

    4. "Silencing opposing views is more the new MO than the old"

      and yet Blaine's website silences opposing views and this one allows it. See a pattern? Facts clear?

    5. Blaine’s blog is not the credit Union.

      This blogger hides behind anonymity.

  13. I never saw that in any managers meetings. And I’ve been to over 20.

    1. Occurred at senior managers meeting…on multiple occasions. Confirmed.

    2. I am an SVP and have no clue what you’re referring to.

    3. For how long?

    4. I can’t say how many without giving away when I was promoted. But, more than 10 years

    5. Well, go ask a senior manager that’s been in place longer than you… you’ll hear the stories. Look — I’m not diminishing Jim’s role in leading SECU during his tenure. I always thought he was the smartest person in the room, but anybody who worked closely with him would, if they’re being honest, tell you he wasn’t the easiest person to work for and he didn’t back down from belittling you to get his point across.

    6. And what position do you hold? Just curious. Also, branch or operations?

    7. I’m not involved here, but LOL at questioning someone who has been an SVP for over 10 years and at the credit union for longer than 20…

    8. Well, for the record, Blaine retired in 2016 so any SVP who has been in that role for 10 years would have only attended a handful of senior manager meetings while Blaine was CEO. Again, I know what I’ve witnessed. I reiterate, respectfully, go ask someone who has been around a little longer.

    9. And what position do you hold that you think you know better? Still waiting

    10. Also, I said “at least 10”. Trust me, It’s long enough to know. I don’t even know what we’re arguing about anymore but Blaine was not anywhere as near as full of himself and narcissistic as Hayes.

    11. Senior leader. Long time. Good night, y’all.

    12. Branch or ops?

  14. Ex-CEO Jim Blaine is an interesting case study in CEO retirement and succession planning. Truly fascinating. The psychology of Jim Blaine represents a strong desire to continue to maintain his stature as SECU’s leader, possibly much underestimated by the board. Blaine’s heroic view of himself and his mission is self-evident, and this leadership style can be characterized as one that places a strong sense of self-identity on both the status as a leader and the mission that it represents. Considering this psychology, it is not surprising to see the fight that is ensuing. Like many other large organizations that have had long-tenured CEOs and power struggles that result from succession planning, those ex-CEOs that fight the process must either be forced out or they maintain control until their death, in what often represents traumatic episodes for the CEO, exec leadership, board, and ultimately the organization as a whole. SECU has a critical decision to make regarding its desire for the influence and power of Jim Blaine. Some of the questions and issues brought up in his informal blog are worthy points of discussion, but the style and mannerisms are done in a way that subverts the leadership succession process—and at times the content is downright harsh and one-sided. For those that value respect one might question the integrity. However, it’s clear that if Jim Blaine does not approve of SECU leadership then he will seek to undermine them, in what appears to be for him an important extension of his life’s work and self-worth. Understanding this psychology will be important to assessing the path forward.

  15. oof imagine simping for jim hayes. this aint it sis 🤦🏿‍♀️

  16. Jamie Applequist should have been and still should be the president and CEO of SECU. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. #Justice4Jamie

    1. Curious, why should he have been CEO?

  17. False: New employees from the outside have gotten massive pay raises to come to SECU.

    Fact: For those of you unfamiliar with working in the outside world, I'd like to enlighten you. I won't speak for other "newer" employees, but in my other roles before I came to SECU, I was paid a lucrative bonus based on the organization's performance. If the members won, the staff won, too. I took a full-time job salary CUT to come here. Why would anyone do that? Because for me, it was about coming to an interesting place that was prime for evolution to keep up with the rest of the world. I was excited to come here and welcomed by most people who were eager for the same. I laugh EVERY time I see a comment about how every new employee here rides on private jets and gets secret bonuses or high salaries. NO ONE believed that I left a great place to come here for the pennies I make. With the same small one time bonus all of you got..and never on a private jet. No one will take the trash talk serious if it's so bloated with lies.

    Don't believe what you read. I'm just someone who is great at what I do (despite the claims that new people are nothing but rejected employees elsewhere) and someone who wanted to make a difference.

    1. I have met so many “QuadSquad”employees excited to “make a difference” at SECU. If everyone would just give people a chance & listen to their stories and their “why?!”, we’ll come out on the other side together!

      Signed, employee # <15000

    2. As a long term, “legacy” employee, I can confirm that I have hired multiple employees from outside of SECU that took a big pay cut to work here. Why, because they believed in the mission and were looking for stability. Why hire someone from the outside? There are specialty skills and experience that we need that a branch employee typically does not have (this is coming from a previous branch employee). What has Jim Blaine’s blog done to these new employees? Threaten them, mock them, knock us off mission and remove the sense of stability. Rather than tear people down, let’s build them up. Let’s collaborate and learn from each other. To the new employees, we welcome you and appreciate your insights and contributions. We are all stronger together.

    3. There are a lot of legacy employees that were overlooked for promotions and these positions were given to outside hires (some with no previous experience). I’m not saying this is always the case, but it has happened. And they are brought in well over what the legacy employee would have gotten if promoted to that same position.

  18. This legacy employee and ALOT of others welcome you and your new ideas and fresh perspectives. It has been amazing to get to know and work alongside industry professionals with new talent and ideas. Thank you for calling out that misinformation

  19. Jim Blaine, really?

    ✅ 1) Because at this point in life, I'd rather be petting chickens than chasing foxes.
    B.S. Arguing and belittling people is your favorite thing to do. You did it your whole career.
    ✅ 2) This takes a lot of time and is no fun.
    B.S. clip art and spinning information is so hard when you do not have a secretary to type up all your content. Why don’t you try ChatGPT. It hallucinates less than you.
    ✅ 3) I can't understand why respectable folks in positions of power feel the need to lie - and do so, so ineptly.
    B.S. Do you have Alzheimer’s or just selective memory about you time as CEO.
    ✅ 4) Can't quite fathom why 2.7 million North Carolinians can't be told the truth. Why is this happening?
    B.S. when did you consult with the membership/advisory boards before rolling out something new? You managed by your gut. Well, your gut has gotten too big for your britches.

    Jim Blaine, we no longer need a dick-tator. We need a level headed and logical CEO that will lead us to the future like Leigh.

    Jim Blaine, we appreciate your past service, now please go play with you chickens, the grown ups are trying to get some work done.

    1. Spot on assessment. Just because Jim retired, doesn’t mean current and future leadership aren’t dealing with the issues Jim left behind (core, technology, evolving operating model, etc..). Jim B had the opportunity to put a succession plan in place and set in motion his vision for years ahead, but he failed to accomplish this and never had full board faith/approval to cement this path because he bullied everyone around him.

    2. Exactly. Spot on.



Let's get back to business...

It's been a bit quiet here and it could be because that other blog had a mass exodus of followers. We can only suspect this is because o...