Friday, July 7, 2023


What were the faces like when the Model T picture was passed around at the Horse and Buggy convention. Imagine the gasps! And, in the corner was the man who was insistent upon raising more horses. Marshall Goldsmith said it best: "What got you here won't get you there." 

"SECU" has been synonymous with "change" most recently. What are the changes and are they necessary? 

Here are a few of the topics we've seen or heard:

  1. "SECU is the 2nd largest CU. We're good as we are." (It sounds like some lean on the asset size as a measure of success. Is this realistic?)
  2. "SECU members don't want digital." (Are these people different than the rest of American consumers who demand digital on a daily basis? If you don't have it, there is someone else willing to provide it - and take all their money and loans with them.)
  3. "Risk based pricing is terrible." (Is it so? Do you and I pay the same for our auto insurance? For life insurance?)
  4. "Membership expansion is frowned upon." (SECU has 2.7 million members. Only a fraction of that is actually state employees.)
  5. Others?
This is your open forum to share your thoughts. Remember that ALL comments are posted to encourage healthy and respectful debate.

Let's get back to business...

It's been a bit quiet here and it could be because that other blog had a mass exodus of followers. We can only suspect this is because o...